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Ben, Neo-natal ICU Patient and mom, Desirae

On May 15, Ben was born with severe respiratory and cardiac issues. Recognizing the family's need for support during this critical time, Children's Hospital...

Ben, Neo-natal ICU Patient and mom, Desirae

On May 15, Ben was born with severe respiratory and cardiac issues. Recognizing the family's need for support during this critical time, Children's Hospital Colorado referred Ben's parents to There With Care.

After three challenging months in the hospital, Ben finally went home to Trinidad, Colorado - over three hours away - joining his parents and two sisters, Kinsley and Kylie. 

However, their journey was far from over. The following February, Ben was readmitted due to Pulmonary Hypertension. While Ben's father continues working in Trinidad, his mother and sisters now reside at the Ronald McDonald House to be near Ben. Through corporate partnerships, There With Care provides:

• Essential toiletries

• Gas cards enabling Dad to visit

• Activities and books for Kinsley and Kylie to share with their brother

As Ben's mother shared: "Everyone at There With Care has been super amazing. The items are always useful and make our stay so much better. We look forward to every delivery because it's like opening a present! We are truly grateful!"