Training Session (10/12)
Register Now- Bay Area | There With Care
There With Care, 2682 Middlefield Road, Suite H Redwood City, CA 94063
Attend a volunteer training to learn about the experiences of families and children facing critical illness; the programs and services offered by There With Care; and the different ways that individuals, families, community groups, businesses and schools can participate and provide support. Trainings are hosted monthly, on Saturday mornings, 9:30am - 11:15am. Trainings are in-person and are for adults and accompanied minors 12 years and older. The training is required of adults who volunteer to care for families directly/in-person and deliver care packages to families. Seats are limited and must be reserved for both adults and accompanied minors.
Before attending a training, please click on the links to:
- Complete the Volunteer Application Form*
- Submit your information for the Background Check*
- Reimburse There With Care the Fee for the Background Check*
*Required of adults (and not minors) who volunteer to care for families directly/in-person. Seats are limited and must be reserved for both adults and accompanied minors.